City of Glenarden, MD

Social Media

Visit us on Social Media

City of Glenarden
Facebook - City of Glenarden, MD
Twitter - @CityofGlenarden
Instagram - @Official_CityofGlenarden
Youtube - City of Glenarden, MD
LinkedIn - City of Glenarden
Informational updates, photos and more are posted regularly.

Glenarden Police Department

Facebook - Glenarden Police Department
Twitter - @GlenardenPD

Social Media Terms of Service: 
The sole purpose of these pages is the dissemination of information to the public. They are not an open forum for public comment. Therefore, although members of the public may be permitted by the site's design to post comments, the City of Glenarden reserves the right to delete any comments, including those that contain profanity, sexual content or links to sexual content, discriminatory comments made on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, marital status, or national orientation, solicitations, promote illegal activities, threaten the safety of others or the public, and those not related to the initial posting. Posts and comments are public and subject to disclosure.

City social media sites are not monitored 24/7.

COG Communication Post (5)
COG Communication Post (6)

Come connect with us! 

Would you like to receive updates from the City of Glenarden? In preparation of our communication strategies, please call the City Hall at 301-773-2100 or email with your preferred method of communication. 
