City of Glenarden, MD

CodeRED Weather Warning Frequently Asked Questions

Weather Warning CodeRED FAQ's

CodeRed Weather is a bonus feature of CodeRed that City of Glenarden residents can opt-in while signing up for CodeRED. The CodeRED Weather Warning will automatically call citizens when severe weather (tornado, flash flood, severe thunderstorm, winter storm and tsunami) warnings are issued by the National Weather Service for your address.  The CodeRed Weather Warning System calls only when warnings are issued and only if your address is in the path of the storm.
CodeRed Weather will deliver a pre-recorded alert message directly to your phone in the projected path of the severe weather. The system automatically sends these notifications when the National Weather Service issues a Warning - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

odeRed Weather uses GIS based calls integrated with the “Storm Based Warnings” provided directly from the National Weather Service (NWS).  Codered Weather Warning monitors NWS bulletins that identify the severity of the warning; exact area(s) affected; and the predicted heading of the threatening storm to determine call parameters.  CodeRed Weather Warning then creates a calling database of all subscribers within the projected area of the severe weather.  This calling database is then immediately submitted to the CodeRed Weather Warning automated calling system.  By eliminating the need for human intervention to active warnings CodeRed Weather has significantly decreased the response time required for citizen notifications when severe weather is imminent.